Fellow sketchcrawler Bob, has set up a MeetUp group http://www.meetup.com/RochesterSketchers/
They have had half a dozen meetups already and get good turn out. (i've been traveling and uable to make them but am going to try this weekend)
Check out the group an come out to draw.
Let's see how big we can get this drawing community.
I've just returned from the uprban sketching symposium in Santo Domingo (DR) and i have to tell you, drawing with people is awesome. The creative enrgy is contagious and the ability to be a complete drawing geek with other who "get it" .... yeah there's nothing like it!
We'll try and get a sketch crawl going again soon. As soon as "Sketchcrawl.com" post the date for the next (and 37th) crawl we'll work on details for our area. The last one coincided with the last day of the symposium. It was carzy to have over 100 people in the park drawing at one time.
that's it for now.. Happy Sketching!!