Sunday, October 14, 2012

37 World Wide sketchcrawl

Such a great time yesterday. There were 9 of us.

We started at 10 and I left at 3:30 with four remaining sketching soldiers ( :) manny)

I had one last sketch at church once I left. It's hard to stop after being submersed in all of that creativity.

Hopefully those locally can come to the next crawl or meetup.

Check out or rochestersketchcrawl.blogspot.

Happy sketching


Saturday, September 8, 2012

37th World Wide SketchCrawl

37th World Wide SketchCrawl
Saturday October 13th 2012

10:00 AM
Goodman Street North, Rochester, NY
we'll start here and depending on weather maybe hit the railroad tracks behind hungerford or go over to the market. (or wherever else the wind takes us )

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weekly Wednesday meetup / sketch out

Wednesday September 12th 7:00PM
Based in the discussion feedback over at Meetup, we'll start weekly Wednesday meetups.

Thanks to Jennifer for the suggestion of Boulder Coffee on Alexander and their Wednesday open mic night.

I was thinking we'll switch locations every month so we don't get too bored.

So, Boulder for September and we can pick an October location as we get closer.
If we find a month is to long for one local we can always rotate weekly.

Please post location suggestions if you have them.

Hope to see you there!!!!

Happy sketching, Genine

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sketchcrawl at the Market

Saturday, August 25, 2012

10:00 AM

Java's at the Market Coffee Roasters
#55 Public Market, Rochester, NY
There's plenty to sketch. People, produce, architecture. Plus you can pick up your groceries  before you go :)
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

MeetUp Rochester Sketchers

Fellow sketchcrawler Bob, has set up a MeetUp group

They have had half a dozen meetups already and get good turn out.  (i've been traveling and uable to make them but am going to try this weekend)
Check out the group an come out to draw.

Let's see how big we can get this drawing community.

I've just returned from the uprban sketching symposium in Santo Domingo (DR) and i have to tell you, drawing with people is awesome. The creative enrgy is contagious and the ability to be a complete drawing geek with other who "get it" .... yeah there's nothing like it!

We'll try and get a sketch crawl going again soon. As soon as "" post the date for the next (and 37th) crawl we'll work on details for our area. The last one coincided with the last day of the symposium. It was carzy to have over 100 people in the park drawing at one time.

that's it for now.. Happy Sketching!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Emerging Rochester Architects sketchcrawl

Some god stuff going on this weekend.... Sunday, June 10: 9:30am to 4pm. ERA @ RYP + Landmark Society: Annual House & Garden Tour RSVPs to ASAP. Final call due by Tuesday, June 5. The Rochester Young Professionals will be volunteering at the Stone-Tolan House throughout this year's Garden Tour. ERA will be taking the Sunday morning shift, from 9:30am to 1:30pm. We'll welcome guests to the house and share our passion for Rochester architecture. (RYP will share a few pertinent facts about the house with each volunteer). We'll then break for lunch and take our second Sketch Crawl around the grounds of properties included in the tour! Volunteers will receive complimentary admission to the tour - we are looking for 6 to 8 individuals. We'd love to have unlimited additional folks join in the Sketch Crawl by purchase of a regular House & Garden Tour pass.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Better late than never, resolve to draw with us THIS Saturday if you can...

OK friends, your Rochester Sketchcrawl hosts (Rachael & Genine) have been planning on being better with calling these get-togethers but then...well... life gets in the way, as you can see from the photo. My assistant wants to eat my sketchbook again.

Only you can help keep us on course by grabbing your sketchbook and a proper instrument and joining us Saturday January 7th at the Lamberton Conservatory. Our plan is to draw from 10am to 2pm and to enjoy both the light, color and plants while we set a rough plan of meeting times for this fine year.

We're hoping, too, that you'll forgive us (OK just me, Rachael) for having that idea about a sketchbook show but then letting such a lovely idea flounder in the purgatory of the almost. Show proposal has not been proposed. Just one more thing we could talk about on Saturday!

See you Saturday we hope!
Rachael (and Ben) & Genine