We are excited. For the past two years, we have gathered a small group of like-minded creative troublemakers together a couple of times a year to take part in Sketchcrawls (more on that in a minute) here in Rochester, NY. Each time, we found that the scribbles in our sketchbooks are better on those days of collective drawing. We discovered friendships and amazing corners of this city and we spent relatively little money doing all of that.
So, what's a Sketchcrawl?Let me begin by explaining that the name and project is essentially borrowed. Enrico Casarosa, an artist & illustrator in San Francisco
came up with the concept and has been firing people up about the idea and bringing it international. We too gather groups of people for intensive and fun drawing mini-marathons (about 3 to 6 hours is normal). We simply tell folks where we will start and where we might go next and then show up armed with our sketchbooks and materials
(here's what Enrico brings) and begin.
So, what are we doing and why?We plan to gather a little more in 2010, and maybe a little little more in 2011. Genine says she wants to get all of Rochester drawing, I say that sounds a bit too much like my day-job. We really have loved meeting everyone that came to a sketchcrawl (from
Christian who lives closer to DC but showed up at the Lamberton Conservatory on January 2 of this year) to Karen who came all the way from Sweden to draw with us. OK she came for other reasons but happily wandered around the city laughing and drawing with us.
We'll soon post the dates for sketchcrawls this year and the starting locations. As well as pictures from our sketchbooks and any and all thoughts, ideas and whatnots that might inspire you to draw as well.
Above is a random page from my sketchbook from an April 2009 sketchcrawl at Highland Cemetary. If you've joined us for a sketchbook, now's the time to share your drawings...
And now's the time to go draw,