Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sketchbook Project

The Sketchbook Project is a traveling exhibition of sketchbooks and will be here in Rochester this Thursday and Friday. Just under 10,000, yes TEN THOUSAND sketchbooks filled from 94 countries from artists just like us will be available to look through, admire and drool over.

Thursday and Friday April 28/29, 2011
Thursday 12 - 5:30pm
Friday 10am - 3pm

Mercer Gallery at Monroe Community College
Building 12-114 North Atrium
1000 East Henrietta Road Rochester, N.Y. 14623

See you there!

New Dates!!

Hey out there,

We are excited to announce two new SketchCrawl dates, with a bit of a twist.

Working with the South Wedge Farmers Market* we will be sketching, painting, creating and more than likely getting our groceries on both Thursday June 16th and Thursday August 4th from 4-7 pm.

Once there we can roam the market or hang in the dedicated SketchCrawl space to capture all that goes on around us.

As usual, there is no charge to participate. So come out and take a break from the week!!

If you have questions, drop a comment here or shoot us an email: Genine at or Rachael at

*The South Wedge Farmers Market brings fresh, local sustainably-grown foods to the South Wedge and nearby neighborhoods every Thursday, 4-7 pm, from June 2 through October 20. This lively, popular community gathering spot also offers live music, community groups, and activities for kids in the shade of the big trees behind Boulder Coffee at the corner of Alexander and S. Clinton.